Friday, November 15, 2013

Monsters of the Mind

Has this ever happened; you are preparing for something important such as a meeting at work, on the way to an outing where you will be meeting new people or just headed to a normal day with friends but you seem to be running a little late and anxiety floods over you.  You start worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong or what your friends will think.  Nothing has happened yet but in your mind they have.  You are flooded with stress, but from what?  The mind is very powerful, as you imagine all the possibilities they seem to feel real to you and cause real problems.  The stress causes anxiety and your mood to decline.  So now your day that hasn't really even started yet takes a turn for the worst.  This is all too common especially for women.  We tend to worry to much about the monsters that aren't real.  Nothing is there open the closet, turn on the light and look under the bed. The monsters are in your mind.  These monsters not only are causing you stress, anxiety and mood swings they are hindering your progress of your journey to health, wellness and happiness.  When our body is under stress it triggers the cortisol in your body which is the fat producing hormone.  When we have anxiety and mood swings we tend to not eat very healthy we reach for "comfort" foods.  They are called "comfort" foods for a reason, they boost your mood for a short period of time but then once you are done eating and the food is gone your mood declines again.   Next time you start to feel this coming on remember the last time it happened and how the end result was nothing like you imagined.  The monsters were no where to be found.  Take a moment and do some deep breathing, and smile because you are amazing and you can do this.  We all need to learn to embrace our imperfections, let go of perfectionism it is a dead end.  If you strive for perfection you will never have anything to work for or learn from.  We are imperfectly perfect and thats all there is to it!  Go forth and be the best at being YOU!

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